
AK Party’s Syria move

Now that the AK Party's foreign policy initiatives have been vindicated, the West will unfortunately seek new ways to unfairly vilify Turkey.

A “New Life” aside; if only you had been able to defend “life” pure and simple

Clearly, there is a whole crowd of journalists and academics in this country who are ready and willing to say that “this is where the AKP’s policies have brought us” regardless of what the PKK may do or have done. The best among them can only bring themselves to assert that “the PKK has fallen into a trap set by the AKP in once more resorting to violence.”

“We didn’t do it, some independent units did”

First, Selâhattin Demirtaş has come up with a conspiracy theory. A “Gladio” connected to the “Palace” has been pursuing a dirty war, he has declared. (...) Then, KCK Foreign Relations chief Demhat Agit has claimed that the murders were undertaken by “local forces who had got organized among themselves.”

IS and the PKK

With the IS factor appearing to have transformed the US into a “partner,” the horizons of the PKK’s imagination expanded to assume fantastic dimensions. They started thinking that it might be possible to bring Turkey to its knees. For this the critical condition was to somehow terminate the Solution Process.
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The PKK trapped in adolescence

While trying to find some political breathing room for himself, Demirtaş is faced with the danger of becoming ever more deeply mired in a moral turpitude of violence that he cannot help getting spattered with. There are limits to what you can achieve through sheer propaganda and manipulation.

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