
What if Öcalan were to enter the picture?

It is not out of the question for Abdullah Öcalan to exert his influence in favor of “the PKK laying down its arms and for some new moves between the HDP and the AKP.” Could the calls now coming from the HDP side be a signal in that direction?

A coalition for a solution

It was wrong for the HDP to announce immediately after the elections that it would absolutely not be supporting the AKP, neither from the inside nor the outside. Clearly, the HDP intended thereby to reassure its anti-Erdoğan allies. But arguably, the HDP’s reason of existence in politics should not be to offer comfort and consolation to those obsessed with Erdoğan and the AKP.

The AKP’s problem with the social sphere

Frankly, the fact of the matter is that in its so-called period of ultimate “mastery,” the AKP has ended up placing everything, including the search of its own internal differences for individualization, inside a straitjacket of politics. The more the party submerged itself in political fisticuffs, the more its lifeline to the social sphere slipped out of its hands.

The last footprints in the sand of the ghost of revolutionary memory

Surfing the internet, I keep coming across those who keep flying on wings of fancy “from the Gezi spirit to the spirit of 8th June.” The way they connect these two is that the people’s “revolutionary wave” first crested at Gezi, then retreated in the face of “counter-revolutionary terror,” but is now “rising yet again” as reflected by the 7th June outcome.
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A time to reflect

If a political movement gravitates toward basing its whole existence on the cult of a single leader; if it begins to forget that regardless of his abilities, that leader is not a god and that he is not above mistakes, criticism or discussion, it is to itself that that movement will be causing the greatest harm.

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