
Proposal for a ‘Declaration of Four’

By adopting a common stance against terror and violence, our political parties might also be able to light the way for our intellectuals. Ahmet Davutoğlu’s proposal is not at all complicated, but very sharp and clear. Davutoğlu suggests only two sentences for the declaration that he has in mind: “Turkey can no longer do with terror and violence. All arms should henceforth be surrendered.”

The circle tightens for Kılıçdaroğlu

CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu built a quite amateurish post-election strategy. Following the dream of becoming prime minister by forming a bloc against the AK Party, he came to the point of offering the prime ministry to Bahçeli, who refused, of course. Meanwhile, he maintained his discourse targeting Erdoğan

My own little story 2

But then, is it possible to solve our problems by blaming Europe or other outside forces for everything? What matters is to start by assuming our own responsibilities. And that has to do with creating a new language.

What is it that Hakan Albayrak is trying to do?

Watching the treatment that he has been getting for uttering what he believes to be true, it is dawning on me that while many of his friends, confronted with “life’s realities,” have learned to “conform,” this is something that Hakan hasn’t managed to learn. The kid inside him has yet to grow up. All the better.
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The wall between us

We have been through a phase full of lessons about how the “getting rid of the AKP” outlook can easily resort to inadmissible ways and means, or start looking for unacceptable alliances, whenever a democratic alternative is not available. The difference between these two positions is indicative of the stuff the wall that now divides us is made of.

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