
Juveniles forever

Just think: a party that has got fifty percent of the votes self-critically admits to “having made mistakes,” while those that have suffered an overwhelming defeat are still looking for external excuses to blame. This by itself is enough to demonstrate that the AKP is the only political movement in this country that deserves to be in power, and if at all possible not to share that power.

What to do about the Kurdish question?

What the PKK has to do is revert to its line as it stood at the beginning of the Solution Process. If the PKK were to go back to the year 2013, the minimal conditions needed for “everything to begin from scratch” might jell together yet again.

Another normal election

The problem is the above mentioned liberal and left-wing intelligentsias have an urge to make up a fake reality stemming from lack of knowledge and their dissidence to the Justice and Development Party (AK Party).

Back to ‘zero’ point

So after a veritable marathon of two years and four elections, the AKP has once more been able to arrive at a new beginning, a “zero point.”
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A good old Ottoman wallop

Now, however, what the election results tell us is that this is not a very high “threshold.” At least a third of Turkish society is capable of behaving in extremely rational and common sense fashion, and it is this group that decides who is to govern.

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