While the PKK and PKK-affiliated PYD are co-operating with Russia, which is taking advantage of the conflict between Turkey and terrorist organizations, Kurds see the U.S. as their partner in the region
While this last crisis appears to be a “Russo-Turkish conflict” at first sight, at a closer look it reveals a complex, multi-dimensional alignment. We are going through a phase when it becomes especially important to proceed calmly from the facts to objective assessments.
The new era will not only strengthen the normalization and democratization process of Turkey but also give an opportunity to the EU to benefit from the young population in Turkey, which European countries have been lacking
The history of the PKK is filled with examples of the PKK killing people and then reaping the benefits of creating the impression that the state pulled the trigger.
If in a particular region you foment a war which “cannot be brought to an end,” after a time the problem may become internationalized, at which point the lesser player in that war might stand to achieve disproportionately large gains. Now an attempt is being made to stage this project in Turkey. Hence the PKK’s objective is to provoke a civil war.