
This is how principled opposition works in Turkey

The CHP's problem is simple enough... Its votes have been stagnating for years on end, which means that it has nothing to gain by going to the ballot box again and again. With the HDP emerging as a meaningful alternative, it is even possible for the CHP's constituency to be flaking off in piecemeal fashion with each subsequent election. Neither is remaining in opposition likely to benefit the party.

The virtue of democracy

The country's democratic institutions proved capable of pulling it in despite its most ardent critics. In light of the above, Turkish democracy and parliamentary politics were the true victors on June 7.

Why all these sudden kisses from the German press?

What is the matter with these leading German papers and periodicals? Why should Germany be so concerned? Why should the US be so concerned? For months now, the press in these two countries has been promoting roughly the following image: “Under Erdoğan’s leadership, there has emerged a Turkish régime that is power-crazy, displaying various irrational aspects, and distancing itself from the modern world.”

‘We are going to make you prime minister’

How can it be that for the HDP, the AKP -- which after all is the initiator of the Solution Process -- becomes tolerable only in conjunction with the CHP? What CHP policy or promise is it that makes the HDP feel secure only if they happen to become a partner in government?
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Pushing the HDP into a coalition with the MHP…

What is behind the last few days’ banner headlines to the effect that “the PYD is more dangerous than IS”? Is this an attempt to prepare the ground for an AKP-MHP coalition? Is the idea to create a common cause for conflict with the Kurds?

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