It is unclear just when the Kurds fell into the grip of the PKK and the HDP; you could either go way back in order to understand it, or else begin with much more recent history.
Nostradamus said that all predictions of death or dismal fate are preventable. Unfortunately, we cannot be that optimistic today when we, as the subjects experiencing catastrophe and death, look at the powers that be.
The PKK had declared the township to be under “self-government” as of 15th August. Now it has started digging new ditches and sent in its armed militants in an attempt to create a “liberated area.” Silvan’s advantage is an easier connection with its rural surroundings. Hence the PKK is constantly able to resupply its local forces with bombs, rockets and other weapons.
Their lives practically devastated by all these proclamations of “self-government” and their negative consequences, the people of the region want Kandil to revise these policies. They are also calling on both the state and the PKK to take the Solution Process out of the deep freeze, and somehow to put it back on track.
Before the Nov. 1 elections, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş was arguing that their seats in Parliament would increase to 100. According...