
Is a Chinaman still nothing but a Chinaman?

Neither that secularist woman was right in accusing me of being “all Arabs, nothing but a bunch of thieves,” nor the nationalist-conservative cab driver in his cocky know-all self-assurance that “at the end of the day a Chinaman is still nothing but a Chinaman.”

A fare long grown stale

The PKK sees itself as exercising all rights and powers over the Solution Process, and it keeps emitting signals that it might renege on this act of grace at any moment. Hence it is, that whenever the Solution Process encounters any sort of problem, the first thing that the PKK can think of is resorting to arms.

The early elections option — in twelve points

Davutoğlu has completed his first round of coalition negotiations. The outcome may be summed up in the following twelve points.

Internal differences come to mark the Kurdish movement

Apart from or beyond just beating the [10 percent] threshold, there were two parameters for the Kurdish movement in these elections: just how much they would beat the bar by, and from what social groups these votes would come. On that basis, for Demirtaş there was one good and one bad, while for Bayık there was one bad and one good outcome. In contrast, there were two minuses for Öcalan.
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Proposal for a ‘Declaration of Four’

By adopting a common stance against terror and violence, our political parties might also be able to light the way for our intellectuals. Ahmet Davutoğlu’s proposal is not at all complicated, but very sharp and clear. Davutoğlu suggests only two sentences for the declaration that he has in mind: “Turkey can no longer do with terror and violence. All arms should henceforth be surrendered.”

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